Mar 11, 2011

Reopening of the National Library of Haiti

According to the coordinator of the organization Claire Wollenschneider Bibliothèque Sans Frontières (BSF) (Library Without Borders) during the last twelve months has worked for the reopening of the National Library of Haiti, closed since the earthquake of January 12, has opened libraries in refugee camps in Port-au-Prince and allowed the formation in Haiti and in France of staff to manage the libraries and supported various projects of community libraries.

The library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, destroyed in the earthquake of January 2010, has just reopened with the participation of BSF.

"Bibliothèque Sans Frontières has provided some of the library furniture, library shelving and the majority of the collections by donating over 4,000 books specializing in law and international relations. In addition to the 3,000 books rescued from the rubble, BSF has bought one thousand of books of Haitian and regional authors for this library" Patrick Weil, director of BSF.

He recalled that in addition, BSF was working to the construction of a large central library for the State University. Recalling that his organization had permitted the creation of the first digital library for the State University of Haiti in cooperation with the University of West Indies and French Guiana.

Marie-Hermine de Montagon, Chief of Mission of BSF said that "This digital library, which will be inaugurated in March, to the Faculty of Sciences of the University, will be equipped of 70 computers with access to international databases and scientific journals.